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IKN Approach Level 2 Online


Our next cohort begins April 11th. Pre-register HERE for $100 off!


This course builds on IKN Approach Level 1, with a larger focus on creating clear, step by step rehabilitation plans for common musculoskeletal conditions using more specific applied neuroscience strategies. Each week is focused on a different region of the body to target cases, assessments and exercises. The difference in neural control of the upper limb, lower limb, and midline will be harnessed further and used to design specific treatment plans to improve how these body regions tolerate load and maintain robustness with real-world movement, to reduce the need for pain.

You will get:
-Immediate access to pre-course reading materials after registering
-Rolling access to 1-2.5hrs of video content each week once the course begins April 11th
-TWO video Q&A opportunities to review with IKN instructor
-Access to a private Facebook group with bonus content and more communication
-LIFETIME ACCESS to the material

Review the IKN Approach Level 2 Online Outline HERE!

Scroll down to see sneak peeks and learn about CEUs

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Course Previews & Sneak Peek:


We know being approved for continuing education credits is incredibly important to know our content is up to date, credible and allow your employers to reimburse you. We are approved for both Physical Therapy and Athletic Training(BOC) CEUs.

Physical Therapy CEU’s (16 Credit Hours):
All courses are pre-approved through the Michigan physical therapy association, as well as 30 other states through reciprocity:
Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida (Rule 64B17-9), Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Some states still do not require continuing education for re-licensure (Maine, Massachusetts, South Dakota). In addition, some states do not perform verification of continuing education material which means they do not approve courses for CEU credit and usually accept any material. Please check with your state physical therapy association or state PT board for more details.

Athletic Training CEU’s (16 Credit Hours):

Integrated Kinetic Neurology (BOC AP# P10185) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Athletic Trainers. ATs should claim only those hours actually spent in the educational program


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