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Vestibular System: Assessment & Loading for Movement Practioners

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Course Description

This 2 hour courses dives into the neurology of the vestibular system and its relation to movement and pain! We will cover the neuroanatomy of our vestibular system, along with how it directly influences our daily movement on a reflexive level. This course has a large practical portion that shows assessment and intervention for different areas of this incredibly powerful system

Review the Vestibular System Course Outline!


We know being approved for continuing education credits is incredibly important to know our content is up to date, credible and allow your employers to reimburse you. We are approved for both Physical Therapy and Athletic Training(BOC) CEUs.

Physical Therapy CEU’s (2 Credit Hours):

All courses are pre-approved through the Michigan physical therapy association, as well as 30 other states through reciprocity:
Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida (Rule 64B17-9), Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Some states still do not require continuing education for re-licensure (Maine, Massachusetts, South Dakota). In addition, some states do not perform verification of continuing education material which means they do not approve courses for CEU credit and usually accept any material. Please check with your state physical therapy association or state PT board for more details.

Athletic Training CEU’s (2 Credit Hours):

We are approved through the BOC with provider number #P10185, which means all our courses are approved in all 50 states.